
Bangladesh Handicrafts Manufacturers and Exporters Association-BANGLACRAFT represents handicrafts sector of Bangladesh, established in 1979. A class member of FBCCI
Bangladesh Handicrafts Manufacturers and Exporters Association-BANGLACRAFT represents handicrafts sector of Bangladesh, established in 1979. A class member of FBCCI

Who we are

The Bangladesh Handicrafts Manufacturers and Exporters Association-BANGLACRAFT was formed in 1979. The Association was mainly formed with the manufacturers, exporters traders, producers, designers, promoters and suppliers of handicrafts items throughout the country. Ac-accordingly, the association was registered with the joint stock company and the ministry of com-merce, government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. BANGLACRAFT is a non-profit organization and became an A class member of Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FBCCI). Total member of the association is 500. BANGLACRAFT has its own office space around 3000 sqf. at kawran bazar. There is a specific space for conducting training (more than 80 people setting arrangement), Registrar Training Organization-RTO and R&D center for handicrafts sector of Bangladesh is being developed under NSDA and Bangladesh Technical Education Board-BTEB; already applied for registration. Developing a dynamic/informative website that will digitally represent the handicrafts sector of Bangladesh.

Area of work

BANGLACRAFT promotes cooperate and collaborate among the members. Assist member for marketing of handicrafts both at home and abroad. Provide training and assistance for product manufacturing designing and skill development. To represent the views and problems for the development of the sectors with the concerned agencies both in the government and non-government sector. Along with these another major goal is to improve the livelihoods of rural women in the Bangladesh by developing the handicrafts industry and increase income and business opportunities for women enterprises in rural areas by improving productivity, costing, diversification, and products quality while establishing efficient marketing services and facilities.


To promote develop and safeguard the interest of all persons engaged in the manufacture, export, and trade in handicrafts in Bangladesh through accelerating and creating opportunities and sustainability of this sector.


The commitment of the Association in based on comprehensive engagement of manufacturers, exporters, and traders by promoting developing, safeguarding, cooperating, collaborating.

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