
Bangladesh Handicrafts Manufacturers and Exporters Association-BANGLACRAFT represents handicrafts sector of Bangladesh, established in 1979. A class member of FBCCI
Bangladesh Handicrafts Manufacturers and Exporters Association-BANGLACRAFT represents handicrafts sector of Bangladesh, established in 1979. A class member of FBCCI

Members Benefit

# Received a membership certificate
# Member’s get Generalized System of Preferences-GSP recommendation on the export
# Recommendation for incentives on the export
# Can participate in various workshop and seminar
# Participation in relevant training regularly organized by BANGLACRAFT
# Can participate in international trade fairs
# Get preference in participation in local and national level fairs organized by SME Foundation and other Associations/Trade bodies
# Letter of recommendation for individual participation in international fairs
# Member’s get special subsidiary from Export Promotion Bureau-EPB for international fairs
# Get chance to participate and communicate with other sector experts and icons in annual picnic and Annual General Meeting-AGM.
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